It can often feel like there are a hundred compliancy issues that go alongside CCTV monitoring that are just waiting to trip you up, however, CCTV monitoring is often a necessary security measure; especially on construction sites where valuable assets are stored alongside expensive tools and materials.
So how can you avoid the misuse of CCTV monitoring on your construction site?
One issue to bear in mind when you have CCTV Monitoring on your construction site is that you are communicating the use of CCTV monitoring to people in a legal fashion – this is critically important to avoid any legal complications should a crime be committed.
The most important measure you can take to achieve this is to make sure that your CCTV monitoring is always signposted. People have to be made aware that they are being filmed, and one way to do this is by putting a sign up that tells them that they are being watched.
The signs have to be placed in a visible location and must be readable.
Placing CCTV systems in places such as changing rooms or toilets is an absolute no, and any attempt to record secretly can result in footage captured being un-usable as evidence.
Our team of experts are here to advise you on compliance as well as provide the latest technologies to protect your site, giving you the peace of mind of knowing you are adhering to all relevant compliance policies.
Alongside ensuring that you are flagging the use of CCTV to both the public and workers, it is important that you are conducting yourself in a proper manner and have registered with the ICO as a CCTV operator with a stated purpose for your CCTV systems.
If you are the sole person responsible for your CCTV system there are other measures that have to be observed such as deleting footage after an appropriate length of time, restricting staff access, ensuring date and time are set correctly, and a number of other administrative tasks.
However when you have a system installed by CCTV Monitoring we take care of all of this and more, leaving you to get on with the job in hand.
Here at CCTV Monitoring we take care of everything from consultation to installation, and monitoring to servicing.
To learn more about how we could help you contact us on (01924) 849 319 or email